Naad Yoga Workshops
Naad Yoga – Yoga of Sound is the discipline and knowledge of sound from ancient India and it’s practice aligning and healing the body-mind-heart-soul space. In this workshop, Tritha, a vocal practitioner for last 3 decades and teacher of Indian ancient sound wisdom based on Chakras,
Sacred geometry of sound through musical scales will be sharing voice opening exercises and also share knowledge of sound that can work as healing.
If you can speak, You can Sing!
This workshop is to break the idea that singing is a god-gifted quality. We will understand here
the importance of listening and open these precious tools of awareness we have – the
voice and the ear. Meditate through silence and sounds of trees and birds and the tibetan
bowl music and learn to calm our mind. Learn to sing the Sargam and feel the sounds vibrating inside your bodies, healing the heart and mind. Understand the concepts of Raga – based on the nature and time – of day and night, or seasons or emotions.years of training in Indian classical music. “Anybody and everybody can sing!” This is what my Gurus have said over the last 25 years of my training. Just a matter of learning the right technique with the right guide/teacher/guru over meditation, breathwork and voice muscling. We will break the ice about singing in the workshop
and leave with some life-long secrets of singing easily and progress effectively.
Chakra Healing with one’s own Voice
The ancient system of Nada Yoga,
acknowledges the impact of music on body and mind. Vibrations are produced from sounds to uplift one’s level of consciousness. This involves the Kundalini energy physically moving up from the Root chakra through the central channel to reside within the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. This can be can be achieved through Sound. In this Workshop, we will learn to meditate and activate our lowest and highest sound frequencies and check where in our bodies we feel those vibrations. We will learn to produce the specific sound frequency for the specific chakra with the elongated breath and deep meditation with our own source of sound instrument our voice and bring about our own healing. We will do this using the ancient seed syllables known as Bija Mantras such as Lam, Vam, Aum, and others to bring about the sonic harmonics effectively for our body, mind, heart and soul healing.
Mantras & Chants – Right Pronounciation & importance of Sanskrit
The chants in Vedic Mantras in praise of God have been used as a cure for several disharmonies in individuals as well as in environment. A “mantra” is a sacred utterance,, a syllable, or group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological and spiritual powers. Mantra meditation helps to induce an altered state of consciousness. Some mantras have no literal meaning, yet are musically uplifting and spiritually meaningful like Beej Mantras and some others are filled with potential meaning and praises of Gods and Goddesses, essentially grand attributes in human nature that we seek. In this workshops, we will understand the importance of pronouncing the mantras correctly so the sonic vibrations are created right with the use of our mouths, phonetics and then the right sound produced with the proper intentions and efforts with our breath in connection with our
Vocal chords. All done in alignment with our heart, thoughtless mind and using our inner voice to produce the right sound with our outer voice.
Hello Tritha, this is Dipak thakkar , promoter of Nivaan handpan & world music festival , tried to msg on fb messenger but ther wasn’t any movement ! My cell + 91 98251 22828